femme fatale / ˌfɛm fəˈtæl, -ˈtɑl, feɪ-; French fam faˈtal /


femme fatale 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural femmes fa·tales [fem fuh-talz, -tahlz, fey-; French fam fa-tal]. /ˌfɛm fəˈtælz, -ˈtɑlz, feɪ-; French fam faˈtal/.

  1. an irresistibly attractive woman, especially one who leads men into difficult, dangerous, or disastrous situations; siren.

femme fatale 近义词

n. 名词 noun

dangerously seductive woman

更多femme fatale例句

  1. Le Femme Finishing School helps transwomen find their inner beauty, no matter their age.
  2. Yet for all her cred as a femme serieux, Kennedy keeps in close touch with the naughty girl of her past.
  3. The “Fallen Princesses” series is on display at Le Musée de la Femme in Québec.
  4. There is a heist motif running through the film and an amnesia motif and a noirish femme fatale motif too.
  5. Prague Fatale is authentic because Kerr can muffle the horror of this epoch in dramatic irony but he can also shout it out loud.
  6. En effet un soir, sa femme et enfans l'abandonnerent entierement, et s'en allerent cabaner ailleurs, pensant que c'en estoit vuid.
  7. She questioned Madame Vauchelet as to the probable cost of a femme de ménage.
  8. Je vis M. le Baron d'Holbach environn d'une vieille femme et de deux villageois, l'un vieux comme elle et l'autre jeune.
  9. Cherchez la femme, said Maitland with evident gratification, counting spoonfuls of tea into the teapot.
  10. O'Meara, child as she still was, watched what was going on from the corner of her eye and thought: "Comme il aime cette femme!"